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Wood Kiln in action!
To sign-up click the "pay here" button below.
If you are interested in scheduling a private firing, please contact Salvatore Annunziato:
Prices are for the cubic feet of space and helping to load, firing for at least one 3-hour shift, and unloading; cleaning shelves and posts and returning the shelves and posts to their proper place.
Additionally, you will inspect the work that came out of the kiln, and pack up your pottery.
$50/cubic foot *for regularly scheduled firings through LCF
If you are interested in scheduling a private firing, please contact Salvatore Annunziato:
Private Firing Fee Schedule
Anagama and Salt chamber: Full Kiln
Approximately 500/550 pieces
or about 75 cubic feet of work fit in the kiln.
$30/cubic foot x 95 cubic feet = $2850
Anagama kiln (front chamber) 73 cubic feet: Full Kiln; Approximately 350/400 pieces of various sizes, or about 60 cubic feet of work fits in the kiln.
$30/cubic foot x 73 cubic feet = $2190
Soda/salt kiln (back chamber) 22 cubic feet: Full Kiln; Approximately 120/140 pieces of various sizes,por about 15 cubic feet of work fit in the kiln.
$35/cubic foot x 22 cubic feet = $770
You MUST be present to fill all shifts of your kiln firing rental OR you can pay a kiln Monitor $30 an hour to fill in for you.
Here are some types of clay that can be purchased for use in the wood kiln firing:
Standard 153 or 225 for an all-around workability and a nice look in both wood and wood/salt.
Standard 182, 470 or Laguna B-mix, B-mix for wood for a different look (more shine and flashing in the wood) but the workability is more challenging for beginners.
If you have glazes; most cone 10 glaze will work; however, the colors could change in the wood and soda/salt atmosphere.
Another option is to work with Velvet Underglaze for color. These can change color in the wood and soda/salt atmosphere, but it is a good place to start. If you don't have glazes, we have studio glazes that are available for use.
WAD your pieces BEFORE you arrive at the kiln. Use the mix below or a wadding mix of your choice.
Wadding Mix:
· 50% silica sand and 50% fire clay (Hawthorn or AP Green is what I use)
Lancaster Creative Factory
580 S Prince St., Rear
Lancaster, PA. 17603
Hours of Operation:
W-F: 10-5
Sa: 10-4
Class/Workshop times vary as scheduled
Lancaster Creative Factory is a Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organization.